Battalion Operations Chief at 3rd Battalion 11th Marines
Twentynine Palms, CA
2015 - 2016
• Served as the Commander’s subject matter expert on Command and Control, Gunnery, Survey and Ballistic Meteorology.
• Instructed the personnel of the battalion in the effective use of the Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS), Centaur back-up Fire Direction Software, Command and control Personal Computer (C2PC), Target Locator Designator Handoff System (TLDHS) Transverse Chat, Tactical Chat Server and the Modeled Meteorological Information Manager software ensuring the timely and accurate employment of the battalions M777A2 howitzers and attached High Mobility Artillery rocket System (HIMARS) units as well as coordinating the effective use of the battalion’s organic logistical support capabilities.
• Advised the communications section on the proper implementation of Secret Internet Protocol Router (SIPR), Very High frequency (VHF), High Frequency (HF) and the Adaptable Network Wideband Waveform (ANW2) as it applies to battalion’s organic Command Control and Communications systems.
• Designed monthly Digital Command Post Exercises utilizing tactical communications equipment as well as the Digital Fire Support Training Simulator Software to exercise training and readiness standards.
• Served as the lead evaluator during annual Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluations (MCCRE) ensuring that units are meeting or exceeding the current Training and readiness (T&R) standards.
• Supervised the maintenance, setup, and operations of the Battalion’s Combat Operations Center (COC).
• Performed coordination with Range Control creating Surface Danger Zone diagrams, Operational Risk Management (ORM) Analysis worksheets and deconflicting range and training area usage with other units.
• Entered and performed quality checking on Range Facility Management Support System (RFMSS) range and training area requests.
• Utilizing the Marine Corps Training Information Management System (MCTIMS), ensured that training statistics and data was entered correctly so that accurate personnel and unit readiness can be determined.
• Utilizing Microsoft Office, created documents, spreadsheets, and presentations to increase the productivity and situational awareness of the commander and staff.
• Gathered, analyzed, briefed, and submitted monthly readiness reports via the Defense Readiness Reporting System.
Coyote Controller at USMC Tactical Training Exercise Control Group (TTECG)
Twentynine Palms, CA
2014 - 2015
• As the Senior Enlisted Fire Support representative in the TTECG, oversaw exercise force fire support and clearance of fires procedures in support of the Integrated Training Exercise (ITX).
• Instructed and advised on the employment and interoperability of Command and Control systems..
• Instructed exercise force units on the proper application of fire support in both the planning and execution phase of operations in order to ensure the safe and effective integration of both ground and air delivered fire support..
• Approved, modified or denied Artillery calls for fire and Close Air Support Requests during exercises..
• Assisted during Combined Arms Cast Trainer (CAST) events to ensure scenarios were accurate and that exercise force personnel utilized organic digital Command and Control (C2) systems and assisted them in troubleshooting when needed.
Survey and Meteorological Chief, Inspector-Instructor staff Headquarters 14th Marine Regiment
NAS/JRB Fort Worth, TX
2011 - 2014
• Served as the Regiment’s subject matter expert on geodetic survey and ballistic meteorology.
• Performed meteorological measurements utilizing weather balloons as well as the Airforce Weather Agency’s Global Forecasting System data.
• Utilized Global Positioning System (GPS) real-time kinetic on the fly survey equipment as well as conventional survey equipment in order to establish and maintain 4th and 5th order survey control points as well as orient weapons systems.
• Assisted the Naval Air Station/Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth’s Geodetic Information Service Office in performing Survey recovery on the base.
• Coordinated the communications, observation, and reconnaissance of four Survey teams during multiple live fire and non-live fire exercises in both CONUS and OCONUS.
• As the Regimental Ammunition Chief, managed the regiment's fiscal year ammunition allowance to ensure that all ammunition requests are properly forecasted and reconciled within the Army’s Total Ammunition Management System (TAMIS).
• As Intelligence Operations Server (IOS) Administrator, managed the connection with the IOS server, Command and Control Personal Computer Gateways (C2PC Gateways) as well as client workstations providing the commander and staff an accurate Common Operational Picture (COP).
Survey and Meteorological Chief at 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Camp Lejeune, NC
2009 - 2011
• Served as the Battalion's subject matter expert on geodetic survey and ballistic meteorology.
• Performed meteorological measurements utilizing weather ballons as well as the Airforce Weather Agency's online data.
• Utilized Global Positioning System (GPS) reat-time kinetic on-the-fly survey equipment as well as conventional survey equipment in order to establish and maintin 4th and 5th order survey points as well as orient radars and weapon systems.
• Coordinated the communications, observation and reconnaissance of four survey teams during multiple live fire and non-live fire exercises in both CONUS and OCONUS.
• During Operation Enduring Freedom, Helmand Province Afghanistan, served as the day watch officer coordinating operations, logistics and medical evacuation support utilizing VHF, UHF, SIPRNET, mIRC chat, the Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System(AFATDS), Command and Control Personal Computer(C2PC), and Command Post of the Future(CPOF)
81mm Mortar Platoon Sergeant at 1st Bn 8th Marines
Camp Lejeune, NC
2007 - 2009
• Advised the Battalion Commander and Fire Support Coordinator on the employment of Mortars and the integration of other fire support assets.
• Supervised, lead and mentored over 100 Marines.
• Trained subordinate personnel in the operations and maintenance of organizational weapons and equipment including machine guns, mortars, observation equipment and the Lightweight Handheld Mortar Ballistic Computer (LHMBC).
• Supervised the firing of over 7,000 81mm Mortar rounds in both peacetime and combat.
• Lead over 100 combat patrols in both Ar Ramadi and Al Asad, Iraq.
AFATDS Instructor at USMC AFATDS New Equipment Training Team
Fort Sill, OK
2004 - 2007
• Conducted interoperability testing of AFATDS' with other systems including Intelligence Operations Server, Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC), Centaur, Theatre Battle Management Coordination System (TBMCS), Pocket Sized Forward Entry Device (PFED) and the StrikeLink Target Handoff System as well as other C2 systems.
• Traveled worldwide to field and train operators on new hardware and software including two deployments to Operation Iraqi Freedom to train both Soldiers and Marines on new Software and Hardware ensuring fast and effective fire support as well and implementing the use of the newly fielded M31 GMLRS missile.
• Served as an advisor to the Army Training and Doctrine Command and the Marine Artillery Detachment, Ft. Sill, OK assisting in the Plan of Instruction development.
Artillery Instructor at Marine Corps Artillery Demonstration Unit
Quantico, VA
2001 - 2004
• Operated and maintained automated fire control computers including the Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System and the Back-up Computer System (BUCS).
• As an artillery subject matter expert, assisted the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab in the development of new tactics and equipment.
• Assisted the Marine Corps Systems Command to test new fire support equipment.
• Conducted monthly live fire demonstrations in order to train new Marine Corps Officers in the application of fire support.
• Performed over 20 cannon salutes in order to honor dignitaries as well as support sporting and community relations events. Coordinate and schedule static displays of Marine Corps equipment for community relations events.
Fire Direction Control man at 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Camp Lejeune, NC
1996 - 2001
• Performed the duties essential to the delivery of accurate artillery fire to include preparation of fire control equipment for movement and operation, performance of detailed survey operations, performance of preventive maintenance, routine testing, and authorized minor repairs to survey and fire control equipment.
• Operated automated fire control computers including the Initial Fire Support Automated System (IFSAS), Battery Computer System and the Back-up Computer System (BUCS).
• Plotted survey data on firing charts, determined target coordinates, and converted to target coordinates and observer reports into firing data and commands.
• Operated tactical communications equipment.
• As Classified Files Management Control Center custodian, maintained the unit’s classified materials to include the classifying, declassifying, inventory management and destruction.